Where Bloggers Live – My Self Care at Home

Welcome to the latest edition of “Where Bloggers Live”. It’s kind of like HGTV’s “Celebrities at Home,” but…Bloggers! Who doesn’t like to peek behind the scenes and see inside people’s homes and lives.  Here is the “Where Bloggers Live” group – a group of ladies who live very diverse lives.  Be sure and check out their blogs –  Links to their blogs at the end.

Today’s edition is “Self Care at Home”  – who came up with that title???  Certainly not me – as I’ve had to do more of that kind of stuff in the last 9-10 months than ever before.

Many, many of my activities have virtually come to a stand still, or for sure put on the back burner.  So, what do I do to take care of myself at home now??

  • Well, not what I’d ever have expected.  But, I try and do some PT at least a couple of times a week (was having to do it daily for quite awhile – NOT fun).
  • I’m trying to walk more – it’s pretty much too hot to walk outside right now, and will only get hotter as the summer goes on, but I have decided when I have to get up for whatever reason, to take advantage of the being “up” and walk around inside more (Koda thinks I’m crazy).
  • I’m trying to eat better – NO appetite, and my kids are always on me to eat more.
  • Stay hydrated – drink more water.
  • Take care of Koda – as long as I’m taking care of him, he’s such a part of me, then I’m taking care of me too.

That’s about it for me – don’t lead a very interesting life these days.

Be sure and check out my fellow bloggers to see to see how they take care of themselves.

Bettye (our fearless leader) at Fashion Schlub
Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Em at Dust and Doghair
Jodie at Jodie’s Touch of Style
Leslie at Once Upon a Time and Happily Ever After
Sally at Within a World of My Own

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Hello there. First time visitor, and I hope you’re in good health. I actually found your blog as I was trying to lookup “Angelitos” toys— and it brought me here. I tried commenting on that post, but I cannot seem to do so. I was hoping I could ask how you clean and maintain them? I also own 3 of them and they’ve been sitting in the storage for over a decade! Just unboxed them recently, and they’re definitely showing signs of the times. Any suggestions on how to bring them back to life?

Leslie Susan Clingan

I know life doesn’t look the way you would like it to right now. Are you still able to create cross stitch patterns and do needlework yourself? I hope so. Or maybe you could switch to something similar like painting by number? I think there are kits with larger numbers, which would be what I would need!! You might try collage, too. I love doing that. Check out Jennifer Chamberlin right here – https://www.themakerbeehive.com/ As far as walking goes, do you have an activity tracker to wear like a watch? That encourages me to walk more. You could set your… Read more »


Hi Iris: Everything you are doing is so important, though, for your self-care. I’m so glad you are taking care of you….and, of course, sweet Koda! Where would we be without our fur family members? Mine certainly keep me on my toes!

Bettye Rainwater

Dogs are so great for self-care. They make you get up and out of the house, they get you into some routines, they’re always happy to see you, they help you focus on something other than yourself, they give you an outlet for your love and affection.

And hey, Iris…could you send me some of that “no appetite” thing??

xoxo Bettye

em D

Your sentence about taking care of Koda was beautifully expressed, Iris! It put a smile on my face!
I need to join the water train as well! Good advice!

jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo

That hydration thing is super important yet it’s hard especially when it puts you in the bathroom all of the time. That’s why Rob’s functional nutritionist recommended hydration drops to add electrolytes without more to drink.
I love how our pets fall into this category…Em, you and I were all on the same wavelength.

Sally in St Paul

I could not agree more that taking care of a beloved pet is like taking care of yourself! PT is really challenging – congrats on keeping up with it!