Some of my History – Probably TMI

Well, most of the people who actually read my blog probably won’t know most of this – and probably won’t care either.  But, that’s okay.  If you don’t want to know – don’t read.

I’ve been struggling with trying to come up with subjects to post on – since this blog isn’t neccessarily devoted to a specific topic like most blogs are – and I really do want to keep it going (don’t ask me why – I have no idea).  So, here goes a little bit.

I’ve always loved music – always wanted to sing and play an instrument.  Took piano lessons for years when I was a kid – was never particularly good at it, but tried anyway.  I played the organ at church for a number of years and loved that.  After I surrendered my life to Jesus and became a Christian I decided I wanted to play the guitar.  My sweet husand gave me one for Christmas and I took lessons.  Was never very good at that either, but I loved playing and leading “sing-a-longs”.  We were pretty active in some of the “home groups” and I loved leading Praise and Worship at those.

We were also involved in an “outdoor ministry” a long time ago.  I still have a case of cassette tapes that have the accompanment music that one an sing along with.  No idea if they even make those anymore, but I used quite few of them.

I was blessed to sing on the Praise & Worship team in several churches as we moved around and for awhile after we finally settled in Alabama.

I loved it all and always felt blessed that I could Praise God with music.  Sadly as I have aged, I’ve lost my voice.  It’s just gone.  I still love the music and still love praising God with it – you just don’t want to hear me these days.

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Hi Iris: I love blog posts like this one! It’s wonderful to learn more about you. I didn’t realize you were so talented with music. I love using my skills with music to praise God as well. When I retired seven years ago, I decided that I wanted to learn how to play the flute and so, five years ago, I began taking lessons. I played in church for the first time over this summer and really enjoyed it. I don’t feel like I’m a great musician, either, but it’s still fun to use our talents. Keep on singing and… Read more »

Leslie Susan Clingan

Such a delight to have you share some more about you!! I love to sing, or used to, but can’t sing worth a hoot. And it is much worse now that I have had 3 neck surgeries. Wondering if you have had any kind of surgery that would have affected your voice? You need to get those cassettes made into CDs or into a digital format so you can enjoy them. I used a company called iMemories to have my old videotapes uploaded into a digital format. You might check them out. You could access them on your phone or… Read more »

Bettye Rainwater

Oh, I loved this story! As someone who has always wanted to *really* learn to play the piano (some self-teaching on my grandmother’s upright during summers in California), I can really appreciate the dream of being able to make and share music.

And lookit you up on stage! That’s awesome! You must have wonderful memories of these times 🙂
