My new helper

Well, this is one of those posts that just jumped out at me (since I hadn’t thought of anything else).  SO, I’m posting about my big ole tuxcedo cat who thinks he owns the house.  And, that title isn’t entirely correct.

The helper is Boots and he isn’t new – he’s been here 14 years, but has just decided to give his assistance with making my bed.   He can’t wait till I get the bed made every day.  He was very helpful hoping I would finish and leave the room but this morning took a bit longer.  I changed the sheets and also did some adjustments to the quilt.

The quilt is fairly new and was way too large for my bed, but I really like it’s texture and looks.  I’m not sure why, but Boots loves it more than anything else I’ve had on my bed.

He loves to lay up next to the pillows with the window close (there’s sunshine there if the sun is shining).  That’s his position and his place every morning as soon as I get the bed made.

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