My Sleep Routine – Where Bloggers Live

This is the monthly edition of “Where Bloggers Live” and this time we’re talking about sleep – or in my case – LACK OF IT.  I apologize in advance, this will not be a pleasant read, so you might want to just stop now.

I truly hope some of the other ladies have a better post this month than I do.  But, in any case, here goes.

Back in the day (when I had lots of energy, was extremely active and always busy) I could never get enough sleep – not that I didn’t sleep, there just wasn’t enough time for it.

When I started getting older (yes, I’m older than dirt), I started having sleep difficulties.  I was on a prescription medication for a long time and it worked quite well.  But, last fall when I had all my falling and medical issues they took me off all medications except my heart medication.  Since then, sleep has become a rare event for me.  Again, I’ve tried almost everything.  Only coffee I have is when I get up in the morning.  I try to be quiet and restful at bedtime, dark room, listening to “rain” on my phone, etc.

And I’ve tried quit a number of over the counter meds – none of them work for me.  Part of my problem is that I can’t shut my mind off  🤔   When I do go to sleep, I wake about every 2 hours, then have difficulty going back to sleep.

Finally went back to the doctor last week for some help.  Put me back on the sleep medication I’d taken before.  Well, that didn’t work.  Made me VERY sick.  So back to the doctor, tried a different script.  It worked fair one night, but hasn’t since.

So there you go with my sad story.  I’m still trying the last medication, but I pretty much think it’s a waste.

Be sure and check out my fellow bloggers, I’m sure they’ll have much more cheerful posts than I do.

Bettye (our fearless leader) at Fashion Schlub
Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Em at Dust and Doghair
Jodie at Jodie’s Touch of Style
Leslie at Once Upon a Time and Happily Ever After
Sally at Within a World of My Own

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Leslie Susan Clingan

Oh, Iris, I hate that you are struggling so to sleep. But I can relate. I cannot turn my brain off and so I visit and revisit and worry over everything significant or not. Last night I spent 4 hours purging things in every room in the house from bed!! I was exhausted in more ways than one this morning. We have had pretty good luck with melatonin, which I am sure you’ve tried, and Benadryl (like Bettye) or Zzzzquil. But I am groggy the next morning when I use something to help me sleep. I am going to put… Read more »

Sally in St Paul

I’ve had periods of insomnia in the past and it’s just so difficult even for a few days. I am so sorry to hear that little/poor sleep is part of your daily life these days. It just makes everything so much harder than it needs to be. Wishing you the best luck in finding your way back to restful nights again. (I wish I had advice but I’ve got nothing that you haven’t already tried/are doing.)

jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo

Gosh, that would be a nightmare for me. I can’t imagine not being able to sleep, because I’m not a nice person when that happens.


I’m sorry, Iris! Being able to shut off the brain can be daunting. You’re likely going to get all kinds of advice…but my kids swear by melatonin. I’ll spare you my other suggestions (like the excellent one in Bettye’s post). As someone who used to be a great sleeper, I’m finding it to be more difficult for a variety of reasons, so, while I’m not entirely where you are, I definitely have some empathy for your frustration! For me, I try praying believe it or not. If I DO fall asleep while doing it, its nice to know that was… Read more »

Bettye Rainwater

If you haven’t already tried, maybe check with your doctor about trying diphenhydramine – when I couldn’t sleep it’s the ONLY thing I found that helped.

And your story isn’t sad…just human 😉