Where Bloggers live… A Day in the Life… WEEKEND

Welcome to the latest edition of Where Bloggers Live. It’s kind of like HGTV’s “Celebrities at Home,” but…Bloggers! Who doesn’t like to peek behind the scenes and see inside people’s homes and lives?

As you may know – “Where Bloggers Live” is a group of ladies from around the country who post about their homes (inside and out), towns, and generally their lives.  Be sure to check their links below to read about how others spend their weekends.

This month is a day in my life – weekend!  Well, I have to say, now that I’m retired and not working outside my home during the week – the weekend doesn’t hold nearly as much interest as when I was working.  Goodness, I even have trouble knowing what day of the week it is most of the time.

Well, a major treat on the weekends is going to #1 son and DIL’s for for dinner.  I think I’ve mentioned what an excellend cook my DIL is.  She even likes cooking shows on TV and has a humongus collection of cookbook.  So, there will definitely be an excellent meal for me there.

On Saturday there’s not usually much else going on.  I do try to do a bit more relaxing – some cross stitch, a good book or maybe even watch a TV show.  Now, how exciting is that??? 🙂

Sundays are a different day – there’s church in the morning – and again relaxing and doing very little in the afternoon.

My church (Point of Grace) is a small, comfortable church that worships sincerely.  There’s a great Praise & Worship team, dedicated pastor, lots of little kids & youth and people who are sincere about worshiping God.

After church I come home relax a bit – back to cross stitching, book or TV.  Then to #1 son and DIL’s for dinner.  Perfect way to finish a great day!

Now here’s the list of Bloggers that I share with – check them out – I’m anxious to see what they do on a weekend too.

Bettye (our fearless leader) at Fashion Schlub
Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Em at Dust and Doghair
Jodie at Jodie’s Touch of Style
Leslie at Once Upon a Time and Happily Ever After
Sally at Within a World of My Own

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