There are chickens in my life now…

But no, they’re not mine.  #1 son who now lives next door to me has chickens (and they lay REALLY good eggs).

There’s an OLD (almost as old as I am), small barn back behind his house (remember, we live in the country) and it was a quite a state of disrepair.  He had plenty of ideas to get it back to a workable structure but hadn’t started on it – when there was a strong storm and a neighbor’s tree fell – ON THE BARN.

So, said neighbor cleaned up all of the tree, and gave #1 son materials to fix it.  Took him a couple of weeks to get it all done, and it doesn’t look all that great from the outside – but the chickens seem pretty happy.  He has 12 chickens and averages about 8-9 eggs a day.  More than enough.  I just got a couple of pictures when he first got the chickens.

He worked really hard to have it critter proof (there’s lots of things out there that would like chicken for dinner) and so far it’s been good.  The inside looks pretty spiffy as far as chicken houses to.  He fastens them all in the house at night.  He’s installed solar powered fans for the really hot weather and makes sure they have fresh water several times a day.  The sign was a gift from Flashpoint Laser Engraving.


It’s not fancy but the chickens are happy, #1 son is happy because he wanted chickens, #1 DIL is happy because she’s a gourmet cook and baker.  #1 son loves to give “his girls” treats.

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