My Goofy Cat

…and that would be Boots!.  Boots will be 15 years old late this summer.  He’s been with me since he was a very small kitten – DROPPED on my front lawn by some un-nice person or persons.  He had a brother, but he didn’t make it.  I do live on a pretty busy road and brother didn’t stay out of it.

Boots lived outside for the first portion of his life and roamed at will – not a life I’d recommend as it’s way too dangerous.  But he survived.  He was inside/outside, but mostly preferred outside.

One of his favorite places now – he LOVES the bedspread on my bed and always helps me make it up in the morning so he can get comfty.

Of course, he can always find comfty places to rest.. and if it’s cool enough to have the fireplace on, this is a great spot (but won’t use that spot for awhile now.

And, he and Koda get along well – of coure Koda thinks he’s the boss unless they’re playing, then Boots can put him down without a fuss.

This post posted this morning – but for some reason (probably my fault) only the first two paragraphs were shown – SO, here’s an update.

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I love that big ol’boy! He’s just the sweetest!

Leslie Susan Clingan

So nice to get to know Boots. We have had many kitties in our lives and most of them enjoyed being outside very much but were glad to come in at night, or in the cold or extreme heat. We have 2 kitties now and they do a lot of fussing and chasing after each other. Wish they would get along better. Love that Boots and Koda will snuggle on the bed together. My kitties will be on the bed together until one of them realizes that the other is on the bed, too. And then WWIII begins.