Update on Koda

Koda (my sweet baby dog) who is still suffering from ‘whatever’. His vet vists now are 2-3 weeks apart. He’s still on steriods – which make him hyperactive, always hungry, and always thirsty. He still has a number of really raw looking spots – mostly where our arm pits would be, on the back of his legs and on his tail. He doesn’t try to scratch them quite as much, but they still appear to be a long ways from healing.

He’s still getting really frequent baths and now being rubbed down with vaseline daily (which includes Vit E). Messy job.

He’s wearing diapers at night – the little suspenders helps keep them on.  He’s acclimated to them, though I can’t say he’s excited about them.

I’m having to keep his fur trimmed really, really short.

The vet I’m using has been great, but we don’t seem much closer to healing.  I’ve tried a gazillion things online – none of which have proved helpful.  Kinda thinking this is our future for  awhile.

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Leslie Susan Clingan

Oh, Iris, I am so sorry for you both. I know you are doing everything you can for Koda. I didn’t recognize him without his full mane of hair. He looks like a Chihuahua with his crew cut. Maybe the warm summer weather will help him to heal. Could be something that cortisone would help with? Or a food or dermatitis allergy? Hope you begin to see some significant improvement on that angel.

Bettye Rainwater

Oh gosh, I hope sweet Koda is feeling better by now. I’m trying to remember what finally worked with Caleb. He had flea allergy dermatitis…and it only took one flea bit to cause months of discomfort and itching. I tried ALL kinds of things over the years – shampoos, creams, special diets…nothing really worked…then FINALLY, one vet hit on the solution. A daily pill that stopped the itching in its tracks, and eventually the hair grew back and all was well with the world. I can picture the blue bottle but not the name. It MIGHT have been some kind… Read more »


Poor Koda and poor you! I have to say he looks super cute with his haircut and suspenders, but of course you would prefer him comfortable and not messy. I often have to use pants on Jack (who thinks of the world as his bathroom) and he is likewise not a fan. Hope you find a solution to his itches!