My personal ‘photo gallery’

I’ve had one of these for MANY, many years, but of course as the family grows, the gallery grows and evolves.  I’ve not updated it quite as often of late, but worked on it today.  It now contains photos of my five great-grandchildren!!!

And here’s pictures of the entryway and the entire gallery. As you can see, it covers the entire wall in my entryway.

Grandkids pictues are on the far left and great-grands on the far right. Wedding pics and a few others are all there too. This last pic is a collage my youngest son had made of his family for my 80th birthday.

Of course these are not nearly all the pictures I have in my house. My mantle is full, bedroom walls, refrigerator, etc. There are never too many.

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em d

Love your gallery, Iris. What could be better that seeing all those beautiful, happy faces!? Love the collage your son made for you and VERY sorry I missed your birthday. May your year be filled with good health and lots of occasions for more pictures!