Where Bloggers Live – My Favorite Website

This month is another real challenge for me – “my favorite website????”.  Who knew folks had a favorite website???  Now that definitely sounds like a challenge.  But come on into my house and let’s check out what I really like.

As you may know – “Where Bloggers Live” is a group of ladies from around the country who post about their homes (inside and out), towns, and generally their lives.  Be sure to check their links below to read about what other’s like online.

Okay, so this shouldn’t have been such a difficult one.  I racked my brain for several weeks trying to think: “what’s my favorite website”  That’s a really difficult one.  I can visit a LOT of websites in a single day’s time.  Well, there are always “MY” websites – but I’m not sure that’s the point of this subject.

So, some of you know, I’m working on a book – for my family. Like most families, mine has a rather intresting  history.  But, unlike most families – it’s just mainly in my head and when I’m gone, the stories and history is gone.  I’ve been thinking about this for a long time, and always just felt “I didn’t have time”!  That’s a stupid reason.  “I’m retired and I have all the time I want if I just ‘make it.”

So enough rambling – my favorite website is….. “Find A Grave”.

No, that’s not spooky, there’s a lot of history on this site.  Some of it came from me when I was thinking about this book several years ago.  It’s really interesting what you can find.  Maybe there’s a cousin or even Aunt & Uncle on there that you’re not familiar with.

I’ve actually spent a good bit of time on this website just looking at tombstones and reading them. It’s fascinating and I can get carried away sometimes. If you’r not familiar with it, check it out. You might find a relative there.

Bettye (our fearless leader) at Fashion Schlub
Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Em at Dust and Doghair
Iris at Iris Originals Ramblings
Jodie at Jodie’s Touch of Style
Leslie at Once Upon a Time and Happily Ever After
Sally at Within a World of My Own


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