I’m here to tell you the title of this message is absolutely correct. And yes, I’m old, elderly, aged, a senior citizen, whatever you call old people… and it’s okay for me to say that, not so much for someone else to say it about me 🙂 So, be careful!
I’m not complaining (well, maybe a little). I’m thankful for each new day and try to look forward to what it offers. And, I’m SO very thankful that I’m able to do as much as I do. It’s just that our world is geared to young people – or certainly people younger than I am.
For instance – do you have any idea how difficult it is for us oldies to get into things. I bought a small bottle of gorilla glue to work on a project and I can’t even open the bottle. Now maybe this stuff lives up to its advertisements, but it’s sitting on my workbench waiting for one of my sons to come and do the job for me. That is SO VERY FRUSTRATING!!!

But, I digress (again). Sons are coming – lists are growing. There’s always a running ‘to do’ list when any of them come <sigh>
I’d seriously rather just sit, drink coffee and visit…. and I plan on us doing a good amount of that too.