… spent with #1 son. He took the day off from renovating and I took the day off from… well, whatever it is I do around here. It was cloudy, but didn’t rain. Pretty muggy before the day was over – but I had to wear a sweater inside everywhere we went.
We headed to Scottsboro, AL – a town about 40 minutes from where I live. The home of Unclaimed Baggage (you can read about Unclaimed Baggage in a brief post from 2019).. a multitude of thrift shops and a lovely large place called “Patches”. They call themselves an emporium with a “unique spin” on consignment and resale. And they have just about everything: clothes, antiques, home decor, furniture, crafts and ‘stuff”. There are 125 vendors in 26,000 square feet, so it took awhile there.
- Interesting
- Don’t have room, but it looks neat

So much ‘stuff’
- Lots of cute graphic tees
- Oh Wow, I didn’t need to find the frames!
I came away with a couple of pairs of ear-rings (hard to pass those up), a cute long sleeved top, and of course some frames – one can never have too many frames.
You can read about our lunch stop in next week’s post.
I was sad looking through the frames. I found a couple of really sweet cross stitch items that obviously someone had done with love and time. It made me sad that someone had spent so much time on an item and there it was in a thrift store. Hopefully someone will find it and give it some love.
Did you go into Unclaimed Baggage?? I’ve heard of it and have seen that you can even buy things online!!
It is sad when you see such things made with love in thrift stores. But it happens. Heck, my mom gave away some of the handknitted sweaters I made her when we moved…I couldn’t believe it!!!
Didn’t go to Unclaimed Baggage that day, but have been there MANY, MANY times. It’s surely an adventure, though many things are not priced nearly as low as they used to be. You need to come to Alabama to visit and I’ll take you. 🙂
Wow! I could spend some time in those stores. Lots of really neat stuff to look at. I agree about seeing the old cross stitches. It makes one sad to think about where they were before coming to the thrift store. I feel the same way about old photos of weddings and people that I sometimes see in antique stores. What stories must be behind them! But, that adds to the ambiance of owning them. And, yes, it’s hard to pass up earrings!
Well, you’ll just have to come to Alabama to visit!!
I know, I just hate to see needlework of any kind, and old family pictures in thrift stores. What were those families thinking???
I feel the same about the cross stitch items as well as family heirloom framed photographs.
Thanks Ruth for stopping by. I feel the same about old photos too. Definitely makes me really sad.