Where Bloggers Live – Vacation edition

Welcome to the latest edition of “Where Bloggers Live”. It’s kind of like HGTV’s “Celebrities at Home,” but…Bloggers! Who doesn’t like to peek behind the scenes and see inside people’s homes and lives.  Here is the “Where Bloggers Live” group – a group of ladies who live very diverse lives.  Be sure and check out their blogs –  Links to their blogs at the end.

Just realized I failed to add the picture of all my blog friends who take part in this group.  So, better late than never I guess.

Today’s edition is “vacations”.  I doubt my offering will be very interesting this time – I’m not sure I can remember the last “vacation” I took.  Trips, yes – vacation, not so much.

I worked for 10 years for a travel company – waaaay back in the day.  Did make a good number of ‘trips’ then – but not many vacations.  Most were working trips.  Interesting, yes.  Restful – no!

DH and I did go on a cruise one year – that was a fun trip without actually working. We sailed out of Miami – went around the Caribbean with several stops.  Enjoyed that.

And, we went to Hawaii – another fun trip – loved the weather there.

These vacations were a long, long time ago – so the photos I have are so very vintage you can hardly tell what they are.  Remember – we did not have the kind of equipment back in the 1970’s that takes the kinds of pictures we have now.  Sorry.

Be sure and check out my fellow bloggers to see their vacations.  I’m sure they’ll have some good photos.

Bettye (our fearless leader) at Fashion Schlub
Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Em at Dust and Doghair
Jodie at Jodie’s Touch of Style
Leslie at Once Upon a Time and Happily Ever After
Sally at Within a World of My Own

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Leslie Susan Clingan

Glad you and the hubs were able to enjoy a cruise and a trip to Hawaii together. We have just booked our first cruise. I always dreamed of a Carribean cruise but now that I am 66 and no longer comfortable (was I ever?) in a bathing suit in public, I am glad we are going to Alaska. Won’t go until next spring so who knows, maybe I can work on my bathing suit figure between now and then. Did you go to Pearl Harbor while in Hawaii? I know it is a beautiful state and I would like to… Read more »


Still not too late to plan another trip.


Curious about your travel job, Iris… Did you plan corporate travel or vacation travel or both?

I had a coworker who always thought being a travel and event planner would be a glamorous job and always talked about making site visits and all the comp goodies that would go along with it. Haha, based on your experiences, it sounds like another misfire of someone on the outside looking in.
I would definitely like to go back to Hawaii someday…but then there are SO many other places to see (and that I likely never will)… c’est la vie!

Bettye Rainwater

So glad you have special memories of your trips with your husband, Iris. Good memories can see us through a lot of other times.

Bettye xoxo

Sally in St Paul

Working for a travel company definitely puts a different spin on things. And I agree that work travel is nothing like a vacation – it’s so exhausting but not in a fun way! I always wanted to visit Hawaii when I was a kid; I’m 99% sure it was from seeing the Brady Bunch go to Hawaii, haha.

jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo

It’s amazing how many photos we take now compared to back in the day. The best part is the memories!