… at least in Alabama. Though we have had freezing/frost for the last couple of nights.
Flowers are popping up everywhere. Lots of daffadols, buttecups, jonquils or whatever you call them. All of mine came from my Grandmother’s garden – of course she actually took care of her flowers. Mine are kinda survival of the fittest. There are just about as many kinds as there are names. These are about the first to bloom, mine have already pretty much finished.

daffodil flowers
AND, let’s not forget the Wisteria! Though – I’d like to forget it! That stuff is seriously trying to take over the world. And if you just leave it alone for a couple of years, you’ll be really surprised to see how far it’s traveled.
#1 Son has been working hard to get rid of it at my house. Did you know the stuff will run undergroud for quite a long way, then will pop up in the middle of a bush or flower an along a tree and walla – you have the lovely Wisteria blooms in the springtime. Yes, it’s lovely. Yes, it even smells good. Yes – IT WANTS TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD.
My DH told me years ago that it would be a nusience, but I wanted it anyway. So he planted it right outside the door to the goat barn. There was an old tree there – not anymore – the Wisteria killed it. And, it slithered it’s way all around my yard popping up the most unusual places.
Wickapedia says: “Wisterias climb by twining their stems around any available support.”
Has come up in the middle of a Nadene bush. Has grown to a large cedar tree, wrapped it’s tenticles (that would be the plant itself) all around the tree and sent out blooms way at the top.
If you might even be considering planting any of this stuff. You might want to read this website. It has good information on controlling Wiseria and getting rid of it.
I had to laugh, Iris, when you wrote that your flowers are “survival of the fittest.” That’s how my flowers are. I plant them and then wish them well. I only do flowers in pots, though. I gave up trying to grow flowers in the ground. They never seemed to do well in our soil even though we worked at making the soil rich. Oh well. I’m looking forward to Spring temperatures staying warm and not going back and forth between freezing and then in the 70’s the next day! Enjoyed your post!
I think our temps have finally kinda leveled off. But as sure as I say that they’ll drop again. I haven’t had to run the furnace for the last 3-4 days. We’ll see I guess.
I remember us having just a little bit of the stuff when I was a kid. I think my mom had it on a trellis out by the carport (no garage) and it just kind of hung out there. But nothing was close for it to latch onto…except our cars!! It is beautiful but I had no idea how invasive it is. We had daffodils that grew up in the middle of the yard ‘volunteer’ but my sister and I were talking…don’t they grow from bulbs? Would someone have had to plant the bulbs in the middle of the yard… Read more »
I’m thinking someone had to plant your daffodil bulbs. Just curious, but why can’t you grow them in El Paso?
My wisteria has gotten so invasive it was running under the ground and finding something to grow on. Another bush, my house, the electric pole in my side yard, trees, other plants. #1 son is still working on it. Maybe one day he’ll outsmart it and kill it all – not sure I’ll live long enough to see that.