Here we go with another in our monthly “Where Bloggers Live” series. It’s always interesting to read about other people’s ideas on the same topic. This month is “my dream home” – it’s kind of a toughie for me. I’d never really thought about it and in doing so, I find that I’m pretty happy with where I am and how I live. That being said… here we go.
Where is my dream home and what does it look like? Well, it looks like my current home. 🙂 Yeah, I’d change a few things if money were no object, but mostly outside. Did you know that if you have a large area to maintain and you don’t do it effectively it will grow up around you? Well, I’m here to tell you that it will. I’ve had a wonderful neighbor who has cut my large front yard and my cemetery for the last few summers and now #1 son is here and helping – but it doesn’t take long. Just look at some of those tv programs showing cities or urban areas that are left unattended. Kinda scary how fast they can be inundated.
So, here’s my home – the place where I’m happy and I dream of no other. Not fancy, not coveted, certainly not modern (thank you God), just plain and simple and where I’m comfortable. I have a front porch with a swing (the swing was a birthday present one year from Chuck) just like both my grandparents had.
I have a huge front yard, that’s basically just sits there and grows grass. I have a large fenced back yard where I can let Koda outside without worrying about him (also good for more grass AND a lot of unwanted weeds, etc). However, I do have early jonquils (buttercups, daffodils) blooming already, hopefully they’ll continue to survive as we have a cold snap coming.
- Blooming
- Peony will bloom soon
And, my house basically has a family cemetery in the front yard (off to the side). My mother was mortified when she found where we were putting our house, but you know what, they’re the best neighbors – and I love my cemetery!!!
So, come on in and visit a little. I love my entry and living room. The living room has changed some since my last post showing it – mostly some different furniture – some I’m more comfortable with. It’s cozy – not tiny cozy, just comfty cozy. And, as you can see, Koda’s right there to welcome you in.
- To your left once you’re in
- Dog/Cat bed in front of fireplace

Koda’s still right there
No, I don’t have what the world considers modern decor. I have what makes me happy – don’t think I have anything white. No white walls, no white cabinets – well, maybe white ceilings that that’s about all. I also don’t have any ’empty or bare walls’. So many pictures, paintings, cross stitch, and ‘stuff’.
And remember, I’m old – so I have a LOT of momentos from both kids and grandkids and friends. I’m a color gal. I love color and I’m surrounded by color. My dream home makes me happy and comfortable.
Be sure to visit my fellow bloggers and see what their dream home is.
Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Bettye at Fashion Schlub
Em at Dust and Doghair
Leslie Roberts Clingan
Iris at Iris Originals Ramblings
Jodie at Jodie’s Touch of Style
Home, sweet home. Yours has all the precious qualities of a home. I have few bare walls and few uncluttered flat surfaces. But I am old, too. And that’s okay. Our homes are filled with things that remind us of those we love, and happy times, and special places. We have kitty beds right in front of the fireplace. And white ceilings, but no white walls. Love your wide-open space for Koda to explore and be free. And your random bouquets of jonquils and daffodils. We had them growing volunteer in my childhood yard. My grandmother had a porch swing… Read more »
I love that your current home is your dream home. Your walls with the sweet memories and pictures are beautiful and comforting.
I enjoyed your unapologetic take on not being modern. You go, girl! I try to stick with what I like and not what is the trend of the moment too.
Oh, I love your home, Iris! I can see why you are so contented there. I can picture myself visiting with you and having a cup of tea while we chat together! That fireplace is gorgeous, by the way! Love the stones around it. It’s refreshing to see houses that are lovely homes and not showy museums. I consider my house a lovely home, as well. It’s my “dream home” just like yours is your dream home. Thanks so much for sharing.
Ahh, I love that the common thread between so many of our posts is that we love where we are (or where we have been in the past)…and are not longing for something big and fancy and splashy. I think that says something really lovely about everyone in our little group <3
As always, I love your picture wall so you're surrounded by family…and your cross-stitch wall so you see your passion daily. And I'm sure the cats/dog appreciate their cozy bed right in front of the fireplace.
You 100% had me at Koda…how adorable! I love all the personal cozy touches in your house.
As I am reading through these posts, I’m loving how we all seem to have the same sense of contentment about where we live… And though you love alone now, you are still surrounded in photos and intangibly, by the people you love. Sitting here with a big smile on my face enjoying the pictures of your dream home. If it makes me this happy, I can only imagine how happy it makes you!
I love that you are SO content with what you have. Sure, one can always “wish” for something else, but being happy with what we have is the best way to live. Gratitude!!!!
The best thing about your “neighbors”….they are super quiet, haha.