What DO I do when I’m bored – where Bloggers live

Welcome to the latest edition of “Where Bloggers Live”. It’s kind of like HGTV’s “Celebrities at Home,” but…Bloggers! Who doesn’t like to peek behind the scenes and see inside people’s homes and lives.  Here is the “Where Bloggers Live” group – a group of ladies who live very diverse lives.  Be sure and check out their blogs –  Links to their blogs at the end.

A few years ago (when I was considerably younger than now) I’m not sure I could have answered this question.  I was basically “the energizer bunny” – I stayed so busy (doing ‘stuff’) that I didn’t have time to be bored.  Sadly (I guess) that’s not the case anymore.  I do still have things I enjoy doing, but for the most part I just don’t have the energy…. OR if it’s something sitting down (as most things these days are), I don’t need to sit so long.  I need to get up and walk!  Doing that I “NEED TO DO” and what I like to do don’t always work well together these days.  But, that’s life, so it is what it is.

I do definitely enjoy “counted cross stitching” and while I’m considerably slower than I used to be, it will keep me from being bored.  It’s annoying though when my phone beeps every hour to remind me to drink water and get up and walk!!!!

I’ve been desiging and marketing cross stitch charts for several years now, and I do enjoy that.  Sadly I’m not nearly as artistic as I’d like to be – but again – it is what it is.  My picture gallery is going to be a number of designs I’ve done and stitched in the past few years.  I think you’ll be able to figure out what they are..  They can be seen on my website at Iris Originals – babies

And, there’s another on the way – that’ll make SIX great-grandbabies!  I’m definitely a blessed woman.

Then are a number of ‘fun’ charts that have been popular in sales.  If you’re interested you can see them all at Iris Originals

SO, my fingers have been busy… now, excuse me, I have to get up and walk 😜

Be sure and check out my fellow bloggers to see what they do when they’re bored!

Bettye (our fearless leader) at Fashion Schlub
Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Em at Dust and Doghair
Jodie at Jodie’s Touch of Style
Leslie at Once Upon a Time and Happily Ever After
Sally at Within a World of My Own

This entry was posted in At Home, Cross Stitch, Whatever. Bookmark the permalink.
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Your cross stitch designs are so sweet and how wonderful to have six great grand babies! I think I need to copy your idea to have the phone beep as a reminder to move and sip water. I hope you have a wonderful week ahead, Iris!

Bettye Rainwater

Love your cross-stitches! Hate the annoying phone apps reminding us to adult and be healthy, guh.




Iris, I “saw” you over at Em’s blog (in the comments) and wanted to come here and say hello! I haven’t been able to read blogs in a while with the rush of life, and it felt great to come back and see you and other friends. It’s kind of like a reunion, and the BEST reunion is still to come! You and I will definitely meet there — “in the sweet by-and-by, we will meet on that beautiful shore!” I just love the uplifting, colorful cross stitch designs you’ve created to celebrate the arrivals of your newest family members!… Read more »

Sally in St Paul

Balancing a quiet sitting-down creative activity like counted cross-stitch with physical movement seems like a great idea at any age! I can definitely sit down to an activity and later wonder how 3 hours went by (and I feel it when I do get up!), so I appreciate that my Fitbit also reminds me I need to get up every hour.

Leslie Susan Clingan

My activity tracker yells at me to get up. I try to ignore it when I am in the middle of something but it can be very persistent. I am trying to learn to move and do what I need to do then balance by doing something I want to do that allows me to sit for a bit. My elephant cross stitch is sitting across the room right now staring at me. This week, I have to get busy on it. This is ridiculous!! But it has become so much harder for me to make those tiny Xs. Congratulations… Read more »

Daenel T.

Setting a timer is a genius idea.

Congratulations on your new little person. Babies are always a blessing.

jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo

Good for you for setting a timer to get up! That’s impressive! I need to do that when knitting because you get so involved in a project and it’s hard to just stop!

em d

Ah..the dreaded lack of energy! I think that’s the thing that most keeps people from pursuing their interests, Iris…so good on you to force yourself to keep moving!! I keep looking down the road through my parents–who stopped moving–and the toll it’s taken not just on their mobility, but in their zeal. I’m already experiencing that moving gets harder, but I intend to keep pushing…like you! Fingers crosssed. The cross stitch pieces you made for your grands are treasures! Love the beautiful verse you chose and how you made each one unique with the designs you added. Congratulations on number… Read more »