Happy Five Years to Where Bloggers Live: Our Favorite Post

Now, I didn’t ask what that title actually meant – “Our Favorite Post”.  Is that the favorite post I’ve put up in the last 5 years, or ???? And – how has it possibly been FIVE YEARS!!!

So, whatever the title means – here we are.  I do love reading all the blog posts from these ladies – always much more entertaining then mine – and I haven’t been very good at keeping up lately.  SO, since I’m not sure what our title means, I’ve chosen one of my previous posts as my favorite – it’s about pets!  My previous blog about my pets

Sweet Koda is still with me – but also still having some major health issues.  He has to make frequent trips to the vet, he’s on medication and steriods.  But, it’s still a sweetie, loves me and sticks to me.  If I get up to go to another room, he’s right there with me.  And of course, that’s his picture in the right column of this blog!

I won’t repost all the pictures from my ‘favorite post’ – if you’re interested go to the link above.  Here’s one from Koda now.  He has to wear a diaper at night because of all the steiods he’s on.  He’s not crazy about it, but he’s good.

Be sure and check out my fellow bloggers to see what their favorite post was.

Bettye (our fearless leader) at Fashion Schlub
Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Em at Dust and Doghair
Jodie at Jodie’s Touch of Style
Leslie at Once Upon a Time and Happily Ever After
Sally at Within a World of My Own

This entry was posted in Animals, At Home, Blessed, Whatever. Bookmark the permalink.
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Such a sweetie.

Leslie Susan Clingan

I’m back. I revisited your post on pets. It was one I had read before. Losing a furry friend is so hard. My heart hurt when reading about Frosty, in 2022 and again today. I associate so many of my pets with seasons of my life. My Siberian huskies got me through some very dark days. Thank you, Polo and Princess.

Sending another hug your way. Love your sweet heart.


Thanks for the last hug! Those always help.

Leslie Susan Clingan

Poor Koda. I am so sorry he continues to have health problems. I guess that is what happens, huh, the older we get. Love that he follows you from room to room. What devotion. Pups are the best. Although, my kitty Purrcival has been pretty sweet lately. I am bootie scooting up the stairs these days with this danged broken heel. And he goes up one or two stairs at a time right beside me. So precious. Almost like he is making sure I am okay with each scoot. Off to check out your favorite post. It was before my… Read more »

Sally in St Paul

I’m so glad that Koda is still sticking in there and offering you all that wonderful doggie love. The story with your husband’s late arrival and the furry little head sticking up from his jacket – LOVE IT!

Em Dirr

Hello, Iris!!

Sorry to hear that Koda is still struggling. (Love his haircut!!!) I have to say he looks adorable in his little suspenders, despite the reason he’s wearing them. Such a cutie.
So happy that our paths have crossed through this little group. I greatly enjoy your posts in your sense of humor!

Daenel T.

I’m with you, I can’t believe it has been five years either. Seriously, where does the time go?

Sending love and hugs to you and Koda. I adore my fur kids too and love how attached they are to me, because the feeling is definitely mutual.

Bettye Rainwater

Happy Anniversary, Iris! You know me, the prompts are pretty open to interpretation…so yours is perfect.

Ahh, sweet lil Koda. I remember when you got him. I remember Snowy!

Thanks for being with us for five years, Iris!

xoxo Bettye

jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo

Our fur babies really give us so much support, don’t they? I can see why that would be your favorite post. Truly heart warming and hugs to you and Koda,