Here I am with a brand new blog. I’m calling it – “Ramblings” as it will be about many things. I suppose in the ‘blog world’ it would be considered a lifestyle blog. I’m going to try and be interesting – though I’m sure that won’t always be the case.
When looking for a name (besides blog) I found ‘ramblings’ (or it found me) and it seemed to fit perfectly – with me and with the blog. If you follow along I’m sure you’ll see why – and I’d be delighted to have you!
I’ve had a very on again off again blog over on blogger, but decided to get serious about it. I’ll try not to be as boring as this post. So, for your entertainment this time – here’s my little baby dog, Koda (more about him later)

Hello, Iris! So excited for your new blog and for Pete’s sake, you’re never boring! Readers, ask her about the big hole in her yard with all the stuff in it! I LOVE that story and could hear it again and again.
Looking forward to reading your ramblings!
Your biggest fan
thanks Bettye – that means a lot coming from you – the blog queen extraordinaire. I’ll definitely have to tell the ‘hole’ story -)