Okay I mentioned in an earlier post that I’d had two major blessings in the relatively near past – and while there are so many blessings in our lives we don’t recognize – this one was difficult to miss 🙂 Meant to post it on Sunday, but then remembered it was Father’s Day…. so here it is.
God has really been showing me that he’s taking care of me.
After the car problems on Monday of that week, I was wiped out…. partially from being out in the heat but probably mostly the stress the whole thing caused me. Did I mention I panicked over the car thing?
So for those you you who don’t know – I live in the country and have a huge front yard.. (Looks great now, right?)
And yes, it’s as big as it looks! And that’s my house waaay back there.
I live on a corner across from a little church and EVERYONE who comes to church or the cemetery across the street (yes, I live across the street from a cemetery – they’re great neighbors) or lives down the road or on the bluffs behind me has to pass my house to get to theirs. Grass (well, I mostly have clover and weeds) grows seriously fast in the hot weather and while I do have a good riding lawn mower, even that’s work for this old (oops, senior citizen) lady.
I had worked outside on that Thursday morning doing other chores than mowing that big yard. My back was bothering me from some reorganizing I had done at work and I guess hauling rocks that morning didn’t help any. I just didn’t have the energy to tackle the front yard and decided it could wait a couple of days.
Sitting in my cool living room I kept hearing a mower – but I can always hear the mowers at the cemetery and assumed that’s what I was hearing.
However, Koda was driving me nuts barking, so I finally got up to check. And what to my wandering eyes should appear… but my neighbor Pam – mowing my yard. Thank you SO much, Pam.

I went out and chastised her, but I don’t think it helped any because she’s already done it again, on Sunday. Didn’t catch her that time but have communicated with her. She doesn’t pay much attention though.
It’s great to have wonderful neighbors and I truly appreciate her. I suspect all the people who drive by do to as it looks a LOT better with the grass cut!
Aww, what a great friend you have in Pam!
That she is –
I’m so thankful you have good neighbors Iris 🙂 We’re supposed to be the hands and feet of Jesus, sounds like Pam is doing just that ❤️
That’s awesome, Iris! Wonderful to have good neighbors!
You’re right – and God has truly blessed me with them.