Photo albums? I have a gazillion of them, though not nearly as many since the world has gone digital. So, most of mine have very old – not very good – photos. This is the latest in our Where Bloggers Live posts which come out once a month. They’re all really entertaining and interesting to read, so be sure and check out my friends (links at the bottom of the post).
I started photo albums when my kids were born – never kept them in high school – not enough $ for photos and not nearly enough time. So, I have a lot of albums, mostly family, some of various travels and mostly old. I keep thinking I’m going to get them nicely organized, but, that may never happen.
The above ones are mostly family and travel ones. Then there are a number of smaller ones.
- These contain cross stitch pictures
- Pictures from my head shaving party
Yes, I had a “Head Shaving/Birthday Party” the day before I started chemo for breast cancer (back in 2007).
- Don’t I look lovely?
- #1 son & Frosty – 1st time for wig

Daughter & #1 son & Frosty – they were all taking good care of me.
A few pics from the cross stitch albums.
- Christmas stocking & wedding sampler
- More stocking (there are a lot of them)
- wedding samplers – lots of them too
- grandkids stockings
I’ve cross stitched for 50+ years, so there have been many, many projects. These are all close family. I have 4 children(+ spouses) 8 grandchildren (+spouses), 2 great-grandchildren (soon to be 3 – I’m currently working on that one) and they ALL had to have stockings. Then there were the wedding samplers for all the grandchildren. SO, there are LOTS of pictures of all of those.
But, perhaps my favorite photo album, is the one I created after Chuck died. It was a very cathartic job and took me a couple of months to finish it. Lots of pictures from friends and lots of elegantly typed explanations. The front portion covers the time when he was on Hospice and his funeral. The latter portion is just family & friends pictures and comments. I still enjoy getting it out and going through it, especially on “occasions”. The album itself was a gift from a friend and was just already here. It has elephants on the front – imagine that.
- Chuck’s album – complete with elephants
- First page…
Okay, there you have it – the best I can do for this month. Be sure and visit my blogger buddies and see what wonderful photo albums they have. And, thanks to our fearless leader Bettye for all her hard work.
Bettye at Fashion Schlub
Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Em at Dust and Doghair
Iris at Iris Originals Ramblings
Jodie at Jodie’s Touch of Style
Leslie at Once Upon a Time and Happily Ever After
Sally at Within a World of My Own
Sweet Iris, your albums are so dear. What a fabulous idea to photograph your many lovely cross stitch projects!! I used to make cross stitch birth announcements for the nieces and nephews…not for my own girls for some reason!! Wish I had thought to take photos of them. Labors of love. I am glad making your album for Chuck was cathartic. And that you are able to enjoy looking through it now on those occasions. I tend to put together my scrapbook pages and never return to look at them again. I really need to get the albums out where… Read more »
Thanks for the nice compliments Leslie. I, do enjoy getting some of the albums out on occasion. The only problem is it’s like going down a rabbit hole that’s hard to get out of – meaning – you can spend a lot of time going back over old memories. Not a bad thing unless you’re pressed for time (and I’m not these days). I actually don’t have photos of all my cross stitch – I wish I did. I started doing that so long ago when there were no cell phones and photos were a bit more complicated. I’ve tried… Read more »
I have done some cross stitch so I am blown away by your cross stitch albums! It was so smart to document them in this way. I love Chuck’s album – that’s such a lovely thing to do and to have.
Thanks Sally, I’ve been cross stitching for so many years…. I didn’t make photos of everything (wish I had), but the “important” ones. Also helps me remember what I’ve done for everyone. I guess you could say that cross stitch is my passion. I too, love Chuck’s album. Even though he’s been gone for quite a few years, I still get it out and go through it on a pretty regular basis. Thanks for stopping by.
Wow, a scrapbook for your husband. Now that’s a wonderful idea and I can see why it would be cathartic.
And needlepoint scrapbooks?? That’s amazing too. It does take a lot of time, doesn’t it.
Yup, lots of time – something I don’t seem to have much of these days.
Weren’t you lovely?? YES. Yes you were…and are. Hair’s great but…it’s just a piece. You’re a lovely human being, Iris. I know you know that. I just wanted to say it anyway 🙂
“But, perhaps my favorite photo album, is the one I created after Chuck died. It was a very cathartic job and took me a couple of months to finish it.” Oh I bet. That’s a wonderful thing to have…I’m sure it was hard…but rewarding to work on.
I think you have me beat on photo albums!
Ahhh, thank you! You are too kind.